Our Team

Rachael Hulme
Practice owner Rachael Hulme BA (Hons); Dip arch (Architecture); Dip EED (Energy efficient design); ARB; RIBA. Rachael has been a senior project architect for large new build social housing schemes in Milton Keynes and London. Has significant levels of team management experience within retail and commercial environment. Accredited sustainable design consultant and trainer. Research and development for ‘Climate Change Tools’ for the RIBA with Rickaby Thompson Associates. her specialist skills are with environmental design, Rachael was an EcoHomes assessor and worked on Passivhaus projects. Award winning design schemes including the refurbishment of Lloyds Bank head office in Lombard Street; this achieved the City of London Heritage award and the Millennium lighting award.
Successful and profitable completion of several self-build residential refurbishments for herself and clients.
Working In Partnership With

Helen Pittams
Architectural Technologist
Helen is a talented Chartered Architectural Technologist and designer, with 25 years experience and a member of BIAT. Helen has specialist skills in designing and preparing briefs and schedules layouts and sketch designs. Then taking these designs through to detailed drawings. Her specialist knowledge is based around the residential sector, ensuring design quality standards such as ‘Lifetime Homes’ and ‘Scheme Development Standards’ Helen has completed projects for St Barts and The Royal London Hospitals. Project managed a sixty eight unit mixed use development in Baldock, comprising of flats, housing and extra care flats. Helen has extensive CAD and design skills, coupled with her diligent and caring approach to her projects make her a pleasure to work with.

Jan Molyneux
Planning Consultant
Jan Molyneux Dip TP MRTPI, is an independent Town Planning Consultant with over thirty years professional experience, including thirteen years as a planning officer in local authorities in the North West and South East, and a Planning Director of an Architectural Practice in Milton Keynes. From 1989 to 1999 Jan was Managing Partner of Molyneux Lucas Planning, in Towcester and Chester and since 2000 has been based in Brill, Buckinghamshire.
Jan has provided planning advice to a wide variety of clients and dealt with almost all aspects of planning including major planning applications, appeals and local plans representation. She has a strong ability to give pre-development advice and site appraisals for development particularly for large and small scale housing proposals, but also for industrial, commercial and leisure uses.

Peter Gibbons
Senior Architectural Technologist
A senior architectural technologist, Peter works with us as a freelance CAD designer and draftsman. He prepares as built drawings from surveys, designs for planning and building control applications. He is technically very competent at production drawings, he is very skilled with CAD, intuitive to the requirements of clients and local authority and his helpful approach is a great asset to the design team. He has a large amount of experience as a project manager and site manager in the UK, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Peter is based in France and works remotely with us.

Helen Pittams
Architectural Technologist
Helen is a talented Chartered Architectural Technologist and designer, with 25 years experience and a member of BIAT. Helen has specialist skills in designing and preparing briefs and schedules layouts and sketch designs. Then taking these designs through to detailed drawings. Her specialist knowledge is based around the residential sector, ensuring design quality standards such as ‘Lifetime Homes’ and ‘Scheme Development Standards’ Helen has completed projects for St Barts and The Royal London Hospitals. Project managed a sixty eight unit mixed use development in Baldock, comprising of flats, housing and extra care flats. Helen has extensive CAD and design skills, coupled with her diligent and caring approach to her projects make her a pleasure to work with.

Peter Gibbons
Senior Architectural Technologist
A senior architectural technologist, Peter works with us as a freelance CAD designer and draftsman. He prepares as built drawings from surveys, designs for planning and building control applications. He is technically very competent at production drawings, he is very skilled with CAD, intuitive to the requirements of clients and local authority and his helpful approach is a great asset to the design team. He has a large amount of experience as a project manager and site manager in the UK, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Peter is based in France and works remotely with us.

Jan Molyneux
Planning Consultant
Jan Molyneux Dip TP MRTPI, is an independent Town Planning Consultant with over thirty years professional experience, including thirteen years as a planning officer in local authorities in the North West and South East, and a Planning Director of an Architectural Practice in Milton Keynes. From 1989 to 1999 Jan was Managing Partner of Molyneux Lucas Planning, in Towcester and Chester and since 2000 has been based in Brill, Buckinghamshire.
Jan has provided planning advice to a wide variety of clients and dealt with almost all aspects of planning including major planning applications, appeals and local plans representation. She has a strong ability to give pre-development advice and site appraisals for development particularly for large and small scale housing proposals, but also for industrial, commercial and leisure uses.